Welcome to Sri Chaitanya School

At Sri Chaitanya, we have made a one of a kind mix of top notch curriculum, contemporary teaching procedures, and equivalent spotlight on scholarly, physical and character improvement, coming about future pioneers who are prepared to take on the world. Today, we stand as the power behind making incalculable a-list doctors, engineers, IAS officers, chartered accountants, thus significantly more.

We proffers student's quest for extraordinary dreams and establishes groundwork for humble starting points. It creates both disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and grasping by invigorating inventiveness and scholarly interest among students. To confront the difficulties in this array of the serious world, the school makes a flighty space that turns an uncommon learning style to guarantee student achievement.

The curriculum features the total capability of the student and is wisely organized with 6 Pathways empowering the students to be 21st century pioneers. Planned with Core, Enhancement, Preliminary, Administration and Capability establishing a climate that encourages the students to be their best selves in their own whole.

This multitude of 6 pathways extricates the student bits of knowledge and sustains them to adjust to the requirements of tomorrow. It characterizes the skill sets to meet the elements of the new age.

We persistently endeavor to offer finest Facilities to our Students. With our Robust Offerings, We envelop all Aspects so as to assist create Student's Life contented and prolific.

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Best School For Your Kids

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